2024.13 Veyoring Again

Long time Raku contributor Paul Cochrane returns with an extensive introduction to enable Continuous Integration on Raku projects using AppVeyor in “Building and testing Raku in AppVeyor“. Kudos to Paul and welcome back!

Dr. Raku’s Corner

Dr Raku continued producing and posting beginner tutorial videos:


Weekly Challenge #262 is available for your perusal.

Core Developments

  • Elizabeth Mattijsen continued working on the Metamodel classes for faster compilation and performance and better stability.

In RakuAST developments this week:

  • Stefan Seifert fixed several BEGIN time lookup issues, making 9 more tests pass!
  • Elizabeth Mattijsen fixed an issue with =finish if there was no code.
  • The number of passing test-files with the new Raku grammar are now 139/151 (make test +1) and 993/1356 (make spectest +8).

Meanwhile on Mastodon

Questions about Raku


New Raku Modules

  • Data::Importers “Various data importing routines with a unified interface” by Anton Antonov.

Updated Raku Modules

Winding down

A bit of a quiet week apart from some wonderful surprises! Meanwhile, Слава Україні!  Героям слава!

Please keep staying safe and healthy, and keep up the good work!

If you like what I’m doing, committing to a small sponsorship would mean a great deal!

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