2020.06 Ready for Brewing

Patrick Böker lets us know that rakudobrew (originally by Tadeusz Sośnierz) has been re-imagined as rakubrew and that it is ready for testing! It allows one to have multiple versions of different Raku implementations installed in parallel and switch between them. It’s a perlbrew and plenv look-alike and supports both flavours of commands. An excellent tool for Raku module developers!

More from FOSDEM

The booklet that so quickly dissipated from the FOSDEM stand in Brussels, can now be downloaded for your perusal: 64 pages with introductions, book extracts and more (made with support of The Perl Foundation and the Enlightened Perl Organisation)! Wendy van Dijk made a lot of pictures when visiting Brussels for FOSDEM. And JJ Merelo‘s presentation at FOSDEM can now be seen/heard (at typical FOSDEM quality).

German Perl and Raku Workshop

There are some exciting Raku presentations lined up for the 22nd German Perl and Raku Workshop, this time in Erlangen on 4, 5, 6 March.

And it’s not too late to submit your talk proposal! Yours truly should really get on that after writing this Rakudo Weekly News.

A Swiss Treat

Just a week after the German Raku and Perl Workshop, Damian Conway will be giving a free 2-hour Raku workshop in Lausanne, Switzerland: On the shoulders of Giants: 400 Years of Raku on the morning of 12 March! Followed by the API Design for Programmers workshop in the afternoon. And if you didn’t have enough of it yet, the next day (13 March) will be a whole day workshop titled Better Coding Practices. All highly recommended!

If you’re more interested in improving your technical presentation skills, then Damian has something for you as well: 3 whole day workshops about Core Techniques, Design and Delivery Skills and Persuasive Speaking. Hint: Raku could use more persuasive speakers!

A new raku.org website

Siavash Askari Nasr has been working on an alternate version of the raku.org website: you can see it in action (for now). You can leave any comments in the associated problem-solving issue. Many kudos to Siavash!

Expressing Events

Fernando Corrêa de Oliveira of Red fame, has started brainstorming / prototyping a new slang for describing events and how to handle them, allowing a more descriptive rather than a programmatic model. An exciting idea for making Raku even more generally applicable for all sorts of situations. Comments welcome!

Some Dude

An extensive blog post by Some Dude discusses whether Perl is still worth learning now. It also mentions Raku a bit, and Raku also comes up in the /r/perl comments by the usual suspects.


Not a lot of people worked on this weekend’s squashathon. So it looks like it will need some thought on how to actually get people to join in on something like that. More about that in future instalments of the Rakudo Weekly News.

Renaming Progress

  • Elizabeth Mattijsen changed the extension of some test modules to .rakumod.
  • Naoum Hankache has submitted a PR on Github to create the Raku topic (redirected from the Perl 6 topic). Please make sure that you *Star* the topic to create better visibility!

Weekly Challenge

The Raku entries for Challenge #46:

Challenge #47 is up for your perusal!

Core Developments

  • Jonathan Worthington fixed an issue with the serialization of autogenerated protos. They also fixed made sure that the . in <.[x]> in a regular expression is always a no-op.
  • Jan-Olof Hendig upgraded MoarVM to work with libuv 1.34.2.
  • Daniel Green fixed some libtommath 1.2.0 issues in MoarVM, one of which was stopping a memory leak.
  • Elizabeth Mattijsen added set/unset methods to SetHash, and add/remove methods to BagHash. And they made various aspects of Date and DateTime handling a bit to a lot faster.
  • Ben Davies continued their work on supporting Unix sockets.
  • Bahtiar Gadimov provided many Pod::To::Text related fixes.
  • And some smaller fixes and improvements.

Questions about Raku

Meanwhile on Twitter

Comments about Raku

New Raku Modules

Updated Raku Modules

Winding down

A windy time for the Raku Programming Language! Well, not really. More like steadily steaming ahead! While Ciara is still doing her thing outside, it gives a great incentive to stay indoors and do some hacking. Hoping that everybody reading this Rakudo Weekly News will only be blown away by its contents! So see you next week for more, fresh news!


  1. When can we expect a new Rakudo Star? I am unclear on how to find out the state of the Star process. The Rakudo development and release process is relatively easy to follow.


  2. The Raku Facebook group is still marked as public. Not sure if this contradicts your assessment of it not being accessible by people not in FB.


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